11月1日,翻译研究国际高层论坛于七教水上报告厅举行。会上佳亚特里·斯皮瓦克(Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak)受聘为我校名誉教授,广东外语外贸大学校长仲伟合为其颁发聘书。
佳亚特里·斯皮瓦克(Gayatri C. Spivak,1942-),出生于印度,是当今世界首屈一指的文学理论家和文化批评家,西方后殖民理论思潮的主要代表,早年师承美国解构批评大师保罗·德曼,获得康奈尔大学博士学位,在20世纪70年代曾以将解构大师德里达的De la grammatologie引入英语世界而蜚声北美理论界,后又以演讲的雄辩和批评文风的犀利而驰骋于80、90年的英语文化理论界。
GayatriChakravorty Spivak is University Professor and Founder of the Institute forComparative Literature and Society at Columbia University. She waseducated at the University of Calcutta, and came to Cornell University in 1961to finish doctoral work. Her books areMyself Must I Remake(1974),In Other Worlds(1987),The Post-Colonial Critic(1988),Outsidein the Teaching Machine(1993),A Critique of PostcolonialReason(1999),Death of a Discipline(2003),OtherAsias(2008),An AestheticEducation in the Era of Globalization(2012),andReadings(2014). She has translated JacquesDerrida'sOf Grammatology(1976) and Mahasweta Devi'sImaginaryMaps(1994),Breast Stories(1997),Old Women(1999),andChotti Munda and his Arrow(2002). She has receivedhonorary doctorates from the Universities ofToronto, London, Rovira I Virgili,Rabindra Bharati, San Martín, St. Andrews, Vincennes à Saint-Denis, Yale,Ghana-Legon, Presidency University, and Oberlin College. She is active inthe International Women's Movement, the struggle for ecological justice, andrural education. Her influence has been felt in Art and Architecture, Lawand Political Science, in curatorial practices. She works for Humanitieseducation as the best lasting weapon to combat contemporary disaster.